Thursday 2 June 2016

4 Game Changing Local SEO Tips for 2016

If you own a company with customers mostly in your local area, then optimizing your website locally becomes one of your essential requisites. Local SEO is a web page optimization process, which helps people of your area or your targeted audience find you on search engines( which is mostly Google).

Having a proper local SEO strategy is important because most of your B2C and B2B customers nowadays depends on the internet to get relevant information, before making any decision. Google isn’t only a search engine anymore, it now plays a significant role in the digital economy.

Responsive Websites or Nothing:

Having mobile-friendly devices is no more optional, it’s now compulsory. Searching from mobile devices has already exceeded that of laptop and desktops. In fact, mobile friendliness of a website has now been included as a ranking factor by Google.

A great mobile experience is equivalent to more revenue income and more conversion. Mobile allows a way more convenient experience for the users. It keeps you logged in every time and even when you are not using it, it keeps you in touch through notifications. So, your first tips for local SEO 2016 should be, creating mobile-friendly websites, which provides a user with a great experience.

Voice Search To Replace Type- Searching:

The white search box is now to get replaced with the voice searching, which is equality in demand if compared with mobile searching. People nowadays are leaning more towards voice search and are using it extensively to locate a business, find products etc. Some people are also using this feature for multitasking as well. It’s fast and a much convenient when you are in hurry. So, either way, this feature is trending and if you want a better response from your customers, you have to optimize your website accordingly.

Direct Data- An important aspect of Local SEO:

Direct data on SERP has signified that companies looking forward to better rank reports must provide detailed information about them and their company. Direct data is basically a data that appears on search engine data with business listings. For eg: search results for restaurants often come with detailed information like their location, price, phone number, direction etc. extra data enhances the visibility of a site, which is actually very much needed for local SEO.

Excellent Customer Experience:

Though the decision of a potential customer cannot be influenced specifically, with local SEO you can influence the total experience of a website, which determines a customer's decision.

These were the 4 game-changing tips for local SEO in 2016. The list doesn’t end here, there are various other ways as well, which you can incorporate in your website for excellent local SEO results.

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